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Concert Selections from our 2013 program

Gloria a 7-Monteverdi-2013-Camas

Sung Latin (Translation provided here:

Glory be to god on high and on earth, peace to men of good will.
We praise you, we bless you, we worship you,
we glorify you, 
We thank you for your great glory,
Lord God, King of Heaven, Lord the all-powerful Father
Lord, the only-begotten son, Jesus Christ,

Lord God, lamb of God, Son of the Father
who takes away the sins of the world

have mercy on us

accept our prayer for forgiveness.

You who sits at the right hand of the Father

have mercy on us

For you alone are holy

you alone are Lord

you alone, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit,

are most high in the glory of God the Father. Amen.

Let the River Run - arr Johnson-2013 Cam

We're coming to the edge

Running on the water

Coming through the fog

Your sons and daughters 

Let the river run

Let all the dreamers

Wake the nation

Come, the New Jerusalem

Silver cities rise

The morning lights

The streets that meet them

And sirens call them on With a song

It's asking for the taking

Trembling, shaking

Oh, my heart is aching

We're coming to the edge

Running on the water

Coming through the fog

Your sons and daughters

Let the river run.

Light of a Clear Blue Morning - Johnson-

Soloist: Nicole Lamartine

It's been a long dark night

And I've been a waitin' for the morning

It's been a long hard fight

But I see a brand new day a dawning

I've been looking for the sunshine

You know I ain't seen it in so long

ut everything's gonna work out just fine

And everything's gonna be all right

That's been all wrong

'Cause I can see the light of a clear blue morning 

I can see the light of a brand new day

I can see the light of a clear blue morning 

Oh, and everything's gonna be all right

It's gonna be okay ...

Long Road - Esenvalds-2013-Camas

Poetry by Pauline Barda

I love you night and day

As a star in the distant sky

And I mourn for this one thing alone

That to love, our lifetime was so short, so short 

A long road to heaven's shining meadow

And never could I reach its end

But a longer road leads to your heart
Which to me seems distant as a star,

High above the arch of heaven bends
And light so clear is falling.
Like a flow'ring tree the world is blooming,
Overwhelmed, my heart both cries and laughs.
A long road.

Psalm of Life-Johnson-Camas-2013

Poem by Mattie Stepanek (July 17, 1990 – June 22, 2004) Music by Craig Hella Johnson

Echo of understanding,
Silhouette of courage,

Reflection of knowledge,
Oh, sighing breath of wisdom.
Spirit my life.

I live in the shadow of doubt,
I dwell in dark of unknown,
I wonder and wander in mere mortal moments,
my soul seeking solace and peace.

I pray for a world in such need.
I yearn for a world with real peace.
I praise and give thanks in the hope of tomorrow,

beyond days of my moments on earth.

Tu es Petrus - Pearsall-2013-Van

Tu es Petrus by Robert Pearsall (1795-1856) Sung in Latin - Translation here:

Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church.

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